1: Boredom or a desire to be mentally stimulate
Many dogs, especially puppies, require more daily physical and mental stimulation. They may
follow you around if they have excess energy and no entertaining activities to channel it into.
They’re seeking for something to do, even if it means getting into mischief.
2: Companionship
Although dogs do not appear to be classic pack animals, they have been domesticated for ages to accompany people. Dogs were not created to live alone. A dog’s best companion is humans.
Dogs live in packs, and people are part of that pack.
3: Lack of confidence and/or anxiety
Some dogs are afraid of being left alone. Though this could indicate separation anxiety, it’s also possible that your dog is simply nervous. During frightening situations such as thunderstorms or pyrotechnics, some dogs may become clingy. This also applies to human worry: if dogs detect their owners’ tension or anxiety, they may become attached. This is why they make excellent emotional support pets.
4: Anxiety at being apart
When you’re not around, dogs with separation anxiety worry. While clinginess can lead to separation anxiety, separation anxiety does not affect all clinging dogs.
5: Curiosity
Curiosity may have killed the cat, but it’s also possible that it’s driving your dog to the porcelain throne. Dogs are inquisitive animals. They’re curious about what their fellow pack members are up to. It’s conceivable that you’ll receive treats or participate in a fun activity. Your four-legged family member isn’t going to miss out on the fun.
6: Age
Puppies between the ages of 6 months and birth can imprint on their owners and treat them as if they were their mother. They must accept humans and other animals as part of the imprinting process.
Puppies have a lot to learn, including how to behave and communicate like a dog. By exploring and observing their surroundings, puppies learn about themselves and the world around them. If they are constantly watched as they grow, they will acquire a fear of being alone, which can lead to anxiety. This is part of why proper socialization and training are important at a young age.
7: Health
Because they must rely on their humans more, older dogs with eyesight or hearing loss may
become clinging. Because their world has suddenly become unfamiliar and frightening to them, they have become more reliant.