Any dog owner will tell you that their four-legged family members use their bodies to convey a lot of information. Here are some of the most common dog signals:
- Face: To demonstrate confusion or determination, dogs will wrinkle or straighten their brows.
- Eyes: When a dog sees a creature he thinks friendly, his eyes sparkle. His pupils dilate and he reveals the whites of his eyes when he gets terrified.
- Lips, teeth, and tongue: If your dog is happy or excited, he may pull his lips back and reveal his teeth in a fake smile. This is a gesture that is solely used between humans and dogs; a dog will not make this motion with other canines.
- Ears: Raised ears indicate that a dog is relaxed or listening. He could be signalling submission if they return.
- Tail : The way a dog wags his tail signals how he feels, according to a recent study published in “Current Biology.” Positive feelings are indicated by the tail wagging to the right; negative feelings are indicated by the tail swaying to the left.
How Do Dogs Communicate?
Dogs are sociable animals having a global language that they use to communicate with one another.
- Play bow: This is a phrase that meaning “let’s play.” It can also be interpreted as an apology; it’s a dog’s way of saying, “Oops.” I didn’t mean to be so tough with you. “Let’s play some more!”
- Paw slap : A paw slap is the equivalent of a human slapping you on the back. This gesture positions the dog at an awkward angle, indicating that the dog trusts the dog with whom it is playing.
- Rearing hind legs: It’s a gesture of affection when dogs rear up on their hind legs. When dogs play together, it frequently appears as if they are dancing.
- Biting: Biting is, once again, an indication of game. Dogs are aware of sensitive places on the other animal and avoid them.